Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Changes, changes...

I have reached a point in my life where I can't find time to get my roots done so, in an attempt to avoid very Britney Spears level roots for the foreseeable future, I am back to natural. Not a big deal, except that I have been blonde for a while! My own mom was a little shocked when she saw it. Will told me, "Mom, you look like a different kind of mommy. You are still my mommy, but you look like a different kind of mom." What does that mean I ask you? Exactly what KIND of mommy do I now look like? I am a little freaked out about it for now but I will get used to it I think. We shall see how it grows back in. I am hoping a little lighter than this but I am not holding my breath!

After my very dramatic hair transformation, Will begins asking again for me to cut his hair "like daddy's". Well, if you know Jeff, you know that "like daddy" means not a lot of hair. Jeff's is buzzed these days to keep the attention away from the fact that there is much less there than there used to be. But Will has beautiful blonde curls! Like most things in world of Will, I am constantly on prevention mode. I am trying to always stay a step ahead of him because I am scared of what happens if I don't. So I am thinking, if he keeps asking and I keep saying no, one day he is going to grab a pair of scissors and do it himself. If I know my child, he will probably do it the day before Courtney's wedding in May. So, I decide if it is going to happen, I am going to control it, do it myself now so that it has time to grow out before the wedding.

So, I did it. It is cute, but makes me want to cry because he looks like such a big boy. I miss the adorable blonde curls. But, he thinks he looks cool and in Will's world, cool is all that matters. Luckily, Jake said before his haircut, "I do not want you to cut my hair like Will's". Jake lives to make me happy - thank goodness because I think Will lives to remind me that God has a sense of humor and gets a kick out of watching Will humble me each and every day!

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