Friday, September 18, 2009

Bernie Madoff

The things Will says...
So since I happen to have a friend who was intricately involved in the arrest of Bernie Madoff, Will heard us talking about it since Jake was taking his FBI hat to school for show & tell. Jake wanted to know who he was and why he was a bad guy so I explained that he stole lots of money from lots of people but he is in jail now for a very long time.
And now Will, who remembers EVERYTHING he hears, is obsessed with Bernie Madoff. He kept asking people this afternoon if they know about Bernie Madoff. He then proceeded to tell me, "If Bernie Madoff breaks into our house and steals my money, because I have lots of cash in my spiderman wallet you know, I will punch him in the face and kick him in the butt." (to which I naturally responded that 3 year olds do not say "butt") When I reiterated that he is in jail it went on..."Well if he breaks out of jail and comes to steal my cash (for some reason he specifies cash because to him change is money, bills are cash, bills are not money) then I will do my moves on him (imagine said moves being shown to be as he spoke) and punch him like this." At this point I played along because the conversation seemed to be one that was not going to end soon. I told him I hope he doesn't break into our house, I would be scared. To which he replied, "Mom, don't worry, I'm a good fighter. I have told you before I'm a good fighter. I'm not like the best fighter in the world, I can't defeat all bad guys but I am a really good fighter. Don't worry mom."

Ahh, I am safe, I can rest easy tonight protected by a 32 lb skater with "dude pants" and awesome hair!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Because I need something else to do in my "spare time"...

I truly can't believe I am starting a blog because as anyone who knows me is aware, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off most of the time and the last thing I need is something else to keep me from sleeping. I have the 2 best jobs I could ask for. I am mostly home with my kids but I work part time with the Youth at my church as well. God has blessed us with so much and has given us opportunities that just 3 years ago I would not have imagined possible. I feel so lucky to be able to work in youth ministry. So, between the kids, my job, and keeping my house (sort of) in order, it gets a little nuts sometimes. But, I really want somewhere to document the things that happen my life, the hilarious things my kids say, and the moments I am sure to forget one day if I don't write them down somewhere. No one may ever read this but it will be fun and I can get out my thoughts (Lord knows I have tons of them!)

So, here goes... my first BLOG!

My life is run by 3 small people who are all at once endearing, hilarious, and utterly frustrating but are the loves of my life. Jake, who is 5, is a curly headed sweetheart who loves all things superhero and passionately hates the color pink. In fact he once said he wants to be a superhero who will "rid the world of the color pink". He constantly amazes me with his grown up vocabulary (when he was 4 he told me he was a little apprehensive to go to a new school) and an imagination that is sure to one day get him in trouble or make him famous. He is the most kind hearted child I have ever known and is a great big brother. Jake started kindergarten this year and thinks it is the greatest thing he has ever done. I can only wish to love each day as much as he does.

Will is my 3 year old and as I have told many people, Will is God's way of keeping me humble. As we made it through 2 years with Jake, I think we were getting a little too cocky with the idea that we must be good parents. He was potty trained at 18 months, slept great, spoke very clearly, very early, never pitched a tantrum, and for the most part had really good manners, and would eat anything we put in front of him. Certainly it was our exemplary parenting that made him such a good kid... WRONG!!! Will Prince came out with a bang. He came out not breathing and had to be really coerced into taking that first breath (a certain first sign of the stubbornness to come). The poor baby was colicky, had reflux, and needed 2 eye sergeries in his first year - none his fault, just examples of how his life was going in the begining. I don't think he slept until he was 2 and he cried most of the 1st 2 years if he was not attached to me. You see a common theme with both boys was it it didn't breathe and produce milk, they were not interested in it so instead of a lovie or some stuffed animal, I was their comfort object! At 2 Will finally figured out sleeping but somewhere between 2 and 3, he also discovered his attitude and it is something to behold. He can be the funniest, most hug your neck and kiss you child and in the next breath push you off a building. I think he might have split personalities. He is obsessed with shoes, thinks he is a skater (even though he has never been on a skateboard in his life), and loves to choose his own clothes as you will see in pictures. He declared when he was 2 1/2 that, "I don't eat green things" so we are working on his diet. If it were up to him he would eat pancakes and oatmeal for every meal, every day. I love him with all of my heart and I am trying to understand him more. As a middle child, I am trying to figure out how to love him best so he can make it to his teens. God made Will cute for a reason.

Maddie May is the newest little addition to my heart and I am so in love with her right now I can't believe it myself. I never thought I wanted a girl. I always felt like I would just have boys and I really enjoyed being a boy mom. But, when it finally sunk in I was having a girl there was no turning back. I am ready for baby dolls and reading Fancy Nancy books (I have had quite enough of Alien Invasions and the History of Wolverine which coincidentally I read for the 875th time tonight). I love putting her in little monogrammed bloomers and tiny Lilly Pulitzer dresses (who even knew they made those?). She is my little mini me and I am having so much fun seeing her little personality come out each day.

My husband, Jeff, is the most incredible husband and father and he makes all the craziness and chaos bearable. We started dating when we were 16 and just yesterday celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. He is a computer super dork & fascinates me with the things he can do! Thank heavens there are people in the world like him because just thinking about things like "writing code" makes my head hurt. He can make me laugh like no one else, works hard so I can be home with our kids, and makes me happy I married him every day of my life.

I am a 31 year old former neat freak, turned desperately trying to keep my house from swallowing me mom. I love to cook, and sew though the sewing happens almost never these days. I'm obsessed with vacuuming and I use too many paper towels. People watching is one of my favorite past times and I am guilty of wondering why people who don't do things like I would do them are so nuts. I love my friends and my family with a passion, I can be a little obsessive and I could not survive life without my sister or my parents. To summarize me, Jeff and I joke that I am a walking contradiction because of my seemingly "hippiness" with my babies. I walk to my gas guzzling Yukon XL carrying my breast fed, cloth diapered baby in a pouch sling, while wearing designer jeans, carrying a pink leather purse. I am only a hippie about my kids, my dad and grandfather have an angus farm for heavens sake! I think the cloth diapers should off-set the environmental impact of my Yukon, right?

I am amazed each and every day by God's grace. I can't believe that such an imperfect person can be blessed with such gifts as I have been given in my friends and my family.