Friday, September 18, 2009

Bernie Madoff

The things Will says...
So since I happen to have a friend who was intricately involved in the arrest of Bernie Madoff, Will heard us talking about it since Jake was taking his FBI hat to school for show & tell. Jake wanted to know who he was and why he was a bad guy so I explained that he stole lots of money from lots of people but he is in jail now for a very long time.
And now Will, who remembers EVERYTHING he hears, is obsessed with Bernie Madoff. He kept asking people this afternoon if they know about Bernie Madoff. He then proceeded to tell me, "If Bernie Madoff breaks into our house and steals my money, because I have lots of cash in my spiderman wallet you know, I will punch him in the face and kick him in the butt." (to which I naturally responded that 3 year olds do not say "butt") When I reiterated that he is in jail it went on..."Well if he breaks out of jail and comes to steal my cash (for some reason he specifies cash because to him change is money, bills are cash, bills are not money) then I will do my moves on him (imagine said moves being shown to be as he spoke) and punch him like this." At this point I played along because the conversation seemed to be one that was not going to end soon. I told him I hope he doesn't break into our house, I would be scared. To which he replied, "Mom, don't worry, I'm a good fighter. I have told you before I'm a good fighter. I'm not like the best fighter in the world, I can't defeat all bad guys but I am a really good fighter. Don't worry mom."

Ahh, I am safe, I can rest easy tonight protected by a 32 lb skater with "dude pants" and awesome hair!

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